Sunday, August 24, 2008

Running Report

I haven't posted one of these for a while, but today I feel like some self-congratulations are in order. I have been running, kinda sorta following Hal Higdon's novice 10k training plan. And today, my running partner and I ran 5 miles!! I ran 5 miles!! That's over an hour of running!!!

Quite honestly, it feels weird to refer to myself and running 5 miles in the same sentence. Who, me? That can't be me. I can't run that far.

But apparently, I can! :+)

Which is a good thing, because I've signed up to run in a 10k race (6.2 miles) in Glasgow in two weeks. It's the Freshnlow Great Scotish Run on September 7th. And knowing that I can run 5 miles makes me feel pretty good about being about to finishing the race.

Where did all this motivation come from? I blame Xenia, fellow Team CB member. We started running at about the same time, and she's running in a 1/2 marathon in a week. Go Xenia!!! Maybe someday that's something I'll consider. For now, though, I just want to give Xenia a big thank you! Because she pushed herself, it motivated me to push myself just a bit farther too.

Exercising with buddies, even if that buddy is in another city. Definitely the way to go.

[BTW, Xenia has posted some awesome pictures of her vacation in Greece. Check them out!]


Unknown said...

Theresa - that's awesome! 5 miles!! Yeah!

The Merry said...

Five miles!
Mon Dieu!
That's wonderful news!!!

You get the CB team baton :)

E said...

Way to go on your 5 miles!

McB said...

You ran 5 miles - that's amazing! Go, Dr. T.

C said...

Woo hoo, Dr. T!!!! Way to go! I am humbled by your thanks. But I say blame Merry. If it hadn't been for her Team CB would not have ever existed. We all rock! :)